If you are a foreigner, buying a property in Italy is not that easy. Especially in Sicily, you may run into several obstacles and problems. It is very important to know the territory and its restrictions and, most importantly, the bureaucratic process that leads to the purchase. Seldom, the properties need to be visited several times and often they end up failing to fully meet the desired characteristics. For this reason, over the years our agency has particularly focused on building a clear and direct line of communication aimed at capturing the needs of our clients, saving them time and money for the realization of their project in Sicily, thanks to the creation of a customized search system composed of several steps.

  • Step 1: Interview in the agency or via Skype to carefully determine the client’s needs.
  • Step 2: First selection of properties reflecting the desired characteristics.
  • Step 3: Discussion with the client regarding the proposals presented and a first round of sorting.
  • Step 4: Sending Virtual tours, filming areas, documentation related to the selected properties and all the material necessary for the client to have a 360-degree view of the properties, with explanations of the context in which they are placed, including any limitations and potentialities that the properties have.
  • Step 5: On-site visit of the selected properties. In case the client does not have his own expert, it will be our pleasure to have him assisted by one of our trusted experts, carefully selected among the best professionals in the area.
  • Step 6: In case of a positive response for one of the proposed properties, we will follow the clients from the first purchase proposal until the closing of the deed, assisting them in the various steps necessary for the purchase and sale (for example, getting an Italian tax code, finding a notary and all the necessary professional figures, etc.). This method allows the clients to reduce their visits to Sicily to a minimum, since all the information and customer care needed for a safe purchase free of unpleasant surprises can all be obtained from the comfort of their home.

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